Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just a Few More

Experimenting what a half-Lenzian would be like. I forgot how much I missed soft shading. ; n ;

Some future designs for Citli and Iver. Bwahahaha. Gotta love doodling.

IDENTITY - Character Designs

Rachel and I have been writing Identity, a sci-fi mob wars story for... a little over a year now? We finally have a main cast fleshed out and want to work on a plot. I'm hoping to possibly do ID after Final Arcanum is over (so yup! It'll be a webcomic!) The plan is to make it a horizontal/ish strip and I'd like to update twice a week. Rachel will be writing, and I'll be doing the art.

Keith Rowen, the main character, is a past boxer. The story starts with him, and as it runs you discover he's pretty closely tied with the Estevo family (the most powerful mobster family in New Chicago.) Generally speaking he's grumpy, cynical, a perhaps not your smartest hero, but he's likable in that he's really just a big teddy bear kinda way. Or at least that's how I think of him.

Adam is actually a cyborg originating from the Hive, a fairly mysterious scientific plant in the center of the city. He provides recon for the scientists in the Hive, researching both the progress of New Chicago, and monitoring the fickle Dead Zones. Keith runs into Adam fairly early in the story, and I'm super excited to make a ton of internet/pop culture references due to Adam's wireless setup.

Ellie, who kinda needs a last name, is a victim of a Dead Zone. I'm not the best at describing them, but basically you want to avoid them at all costs due to the fact that not only will the radiation in them mutate your genetic make-up, but there are previous victims-turned-monsters in there that are not so nice. Ellie managed to escape luckily enough, and provides the sass for the group. She's quick-witted and sarcastic, and develops a soft spot for Adam during the story. Alas, robot-mutant love!

Evander Estevo, or just Vander, is the Don of the Estevo family and aspires to control New Chicago through the family with an iron fist. He's managed to monopolize most of the New Chicago underground, but hey, why stop there? He and Kieth have run into differences in the past, especially when it comes to Kieth's romance with Vander's late-sister Lily.

Bwahaha I'm excited for this story. >D Hope you guys enjoyed the preview!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Qwila - Tai Shun

I've been not only tampering with the idea of a sequal to FA, Vox Liberi, which I'm doooubting I'll actually write, but also the Qwila race. They're a peoples based off velociraptors. They also farm and eat humans, yay! Luckily they only have to eat once or twice a year and they're extremely long lived. The race as a whole tend to be taller than humans and like the Adelee, are considered more advanced or enlightened. They're also a slow-paced, sloth-like race. They rarely leave their islands up north and don't really care for the rest of the world.

I don't have a lot of info on Tai Shun except that he's the main character of Vox Liberi and that I really can't have him wearing a vest. It either has to go, or I'm going to need to make it some sort of symbolic connection to Acacitli, and I'd really rather not. xD

Savannah Sketches

I went down to Savannah, GA to visit some friends of mine, and ended up doing a massive amount of sketching. So here's to sharing? xD I'll definitely have some beginning of school sketches going up sooner as well.

First is a new mage character of mine, Salvatore Malcare, the leader of the Scions of the Blind Seer in Nilarion (Rachel's world) who is an evil and scary man. This is why I don't make magic users! They end up able overpowered somehow and ridiculously frightening. Sal has massive amounts blood and mind magic soooo... yup. He'll be interesting to play if I get around to it.
Sketcha from an RL log. Somehow Jonan and Avidan get along really well, minus the fact that Jonan is trying to explain that the party has demon problems and Avidan thinks he's just a crazy, superstitious old man. HUP that'll go over well with the rest of the group.
Jacob and Katal. (Katal is our villain who is a being called a World-Slayer. Name kinda says it all. durp.) BAD TOUCH, BAD TOUCH.
I've been revising Selam a bit more, who takes up his place as a lord in the Rothfelt house of Khemar. Rothfelt and Thaydin... kinda get along I think?

Iver is also sad and tired sometimes. He should sleep more. 8(

And to the bottom right is Iirer's holy symbol. It frightens me! This means I've done well, bwhahaha.

Top is of Alter and Avidan, being drunk elves. Doesn't get much better than that, actually. I had some dialogue for this head scene but HUP it disappeared along the way.

Bottom is more Katal, and more Avidan probably ruining things for the party. I'M SO GOOD AT THIS YOU GUYS.

A concept sheet for Deror in Final Arcanum. Normally I wing designs for minor characters (badumpsh! You get it?) but Deror is cute in his scared-up-face way.

An Adelee glyphwriter. This character does not exist. I just wanted to draw her. That's good progress right? XD
This is actually an old sketch I never shared with the world, save Zimmay. Gotta love normal Desch-Jasperisms. Why do I always end up playing characters that annoy the other characters in some way or another?